Chinese New Year Celebration 2023
Chinese New Year Celebration |
本次庆祝会以“兔迎盛世启新程”为主题,在节令鼓激昂的鼓声中开场。校手铃队、合唱团也都带来了饱含华族文化的精彩表演。Mr Ashar诙谐幽默的生肖运程解说带来阵阵笑声,知识竞猜环节同学踊跃参与气氛热烈。最后,舞狮团的表演和校长Mr Ng的发言将全场气氛推向最高潮。庆祝会上还特别邀请了学校的清洁工人们登场,全体师生用热烈的掌声和欢呼向他们表达感激之情并献上真挚的新春祝福。 |
This year’s CNY concert was one that I personally looked forward to the most. Previously, I had only watched pre-recorded performances. Hence, I was ecstatic to learn that in my final year as a secondary 4 student, I could finally watch the performance live on stage again. Throughout the concert, both the performers and the emcees did an amazing job and made the concert very enjoyable overall. Zen Wee (4D) |
It was my first time as an emcee in Secondary School and being able to stand on stage in front of the school was exhilarating. Interacting with my peers during the rehearsals and improving over time with them felt great, making the experience as a whole so much better. Jerome Ng Wei Cheng (4D) |
作为本次活动的司仪,这份经验不但提高了我们的演讲、临场发挥和演说的技巧,并教会了我们如何在观众面前专业地展示自己。全校师生的掌声和热情是对我们最大的鼓励。最重要的是,在这个过程中,我们也相互学习,并在整个活动中作为学生、学生领袖以及主持人共同成长。 Alena Puah (4D) |
因为疫情的原因,我们已经很久没有感受过现场的春节晚会了,之前都是以影片的形式在课室里观看。今年全校都齐聚礼堂,比之前的更热闹,更有节日氛围,节目流程也十分的丰富精彩!无论是舞龙舞狮还是同学们赏心悦目的表演都让我觉得很喜庆,同时也宣扬了传统文化。 Su Shiyan (4D) |